Creating and Customizing OKR Cycle Templates

Once you've defined your main goals and organized them into layers, it's time to set the clock! 

Choose your perfect cycle rhythm! Craft the respective Cycle Templates with predefined timeframes (e.g. quarterly, half-yearly, etc.). Each cycle will guide you through essential phases - plan, work, reflect - so you can celebrate milestones along the way!

Explore Cycle Templates in Perform → OKRs → Settings → Cycle Templates and let raiseR guide you through planning, working, and reflecting!

Planning: This is the launchpad of your cycle, where you map out your course. It can involve defining objectives, assigning roles and responsibilities, identifying key results.

Working: This phase is where you put your plan into action. It involves: executing tasks and initiatives, tracking progress.

Reflecting: This is the pit stop of your cycle, where you take stock of your journey and learn from experiences. It involves: evaluating outcomes, identifying successes and learning points.

Click any template for detailed settings. Need tweaks? Click edit!

Creating and Customizing Cycle Templates 

To create a cycle template:

  1. Navigate to Perform → OKRs → Settings → Cycle Templates.
  2. Click on the + Add button.
  3. Enter a descriptive name that indicates the period (e.g., monthly, annual).
  4. Set the duration value.
  5. Click Cancel to discard the changes or Save to proceed with the phases' configurations.


Click the Add Phase button and fill in the Title and Details sections for three phases (Planning, Working, Reflecting). 


  1. Enter a clear title for each phase, except for Working.
  2. Click the + Add button to display the Name and Description fields.
  3. Add a short description of your task.


  • Phase Duration - Define how long this phase will last.
  • Team - Select who gets notified about this phase (choose an employee group).
  • Notification on Phase Start - Turn on the toggle to send a notification when this phase begins.
  • Use Template - Pick the template to use for this phase's notifications.
  • Reminders on Check-In - Activate check-in reminders for the Working phase. Toggle this on and choose their frequency (weekly, monthly, etc.).
  • Reminder before Phase End - Choose how many days before the phase ends to send a reminder.
  • Use Template - Pick the template to use for this phase's notifications.

Note: Only in the Working phase the Description field is mandatory. For the Planning and Reflecting phases, it's an optional field you can add as needed.

Important! Your cycle duration should always be longer than the combined time for Planning, Working and Reflecting phases.  And don't forget to leave at least one day for reflection - it's your chance to learn and grow!

Tip: Click on a template name to modify its name and duration. (Use edit ✎button) Use the Copy 📋 button to duplicate existing templates for customization.

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