Creating a Job Opening Template

Hiring the right talent is the cornerstone of organizational success, hence you should create a job opening template to use it later when creating job openings and seeking best matches for your organization. 

To create a Job Opening template perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings ⚙ and open the Recruitment Job Opening Templates section.
  2. Click the + Add button to create a new template.
  3. Fill in the required fields in the Add Job Description window:
    • Enter the Template Name.
    • Select the Position and Professional Level.
    • Choose required skills.
  4. Once finished, click either the Cancel or Save button to discard or save the changes.

Important: To save your time and have a ready Job description template without any missing detail you can also use raiseR's Generate with AI feature. To add it to your organization account feel free to contact Customer Success Team

Congratulations✨ Now you possess the needed information to start working with email and system notification templates on raiseR!

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