Syncing Employee Groups between raiseR and MS Teams

In this article you can find how to synchronize your employee groups from raiseR with MS Teams, making it easier for you to communicate with your colleagues through dedicated teams and channels. To get started, make sure that you have connected Integration for Microsoft Teams.

Tip: To learn more about integration, available third-party services, and the process for activating and managing integration, see the Marketplace article.

To sync Employee Group with MS Teams:

  1. Open the Settings ⚙ and navigate to the Employee Groups section of the Company Structure.
  2. Select or create a group.
  3. Click the Sync with MS Teams button.
  4. Specify Group type and Team name.
  5. Click the Save button once done.

Note: Please note that when teams and channels are created, the creator is automatically added as a member of the corresponding Microsoft Teams channel.

Congratulations! Now you will have equivalent teams and channels in Microsoft Teams, making it easy to communicate and collaborate with your colleagues across platforms.

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