December 2023

We are thrilled to present you the product updates we have made in December within Staff, Settings and Talent Acquisition sections of the platform. Keep scrolling to read more about these updates🧐

What's New This Month?

STAFF → On/Offboarding section

The On/Offboarding section in the sidebar menu serves as a comprehensive hub for managing onboarding and offboarding processes. This user-friendly section is thoughtfully organized into four sub-sections, providing a holistic view of both onboarding and offboarding activities: My Onboarding Tasks, All Onboardings, My Offboarding Tasks, and All Offboardings.


Enhancing Roles and Permissions: Introducing New Actions in the Staff Module

We've enhanced the Staff module by introducing the new feature: On/Offboarding, along with its subsections - All Onboardings, My Onboarding Tasks, All Offboarding, and My Offboarding Tasks. These sections now come with customizable access permissions.

Besides, we've integrated new action types: Discard On/Offboarding, Close On/Offboarding, Skip On/Offboarding Task, and Reassign On/Offboarding Task. Enabling these actions grants users access to corresponding buttons on the On/Offboarding pages within the On/Offboarding tab.


Creating separate meetings with associates and candidates

We've introduced enhancements to optimize the organization of meetings with associates and candidates. From now on, to include people in a meeting, you should select them from the Associates field. If you want to add a candidate to the same meeting, check the Invite Candidate option. The Invite Candidate feature is exclusively available for meetings opened via Integration. Furthermore, when editing a meeting, you'll have the choice to notify candidates or not of any changes.

Adding Application Status to the Applicants' List

We've made some exciting updates to the Applicants' page to enhance your experience and streamline your applicant management.

  • Applications received automatically through the Raiser public Page link will now be displayed in a prominent blue bold format, indicating their New status.
  • Applications added manually or opened once are considered Opened.

We've added an Application Status filter to the Filter list, enabling you to easily sort and view applications based on their Opened/New status.

Enhancing Hire Module with Smart Tags

Take control of your talent search like never before! Introducing the ability to create custom tags directly within the Hire module! Find the perfect fit faster with these tags, automatically joining the Key Properties group of the Settings module (your central hub for applicant/candidate filtering) alongside other crucial filters. (And hey, it used to be called Cockpit!).


From Cockpit to Settings! Your one-stop shop for system configurations has a new, intuitive name for smoother navigation and easier access.

Bug Fixes

Our Raiser Team fixed tons of bugs this month, but we decided to laser-focus on tackling reported and customer-experienced bugs:



✔ When providing feedback, the system does not retain the same view as the user left it. As a result, the Save and Save as Draft buttons display as disabled, and the user cannot close the pop-up and reopen it with these buttons disabled.

Job Openings

✔It's impossible to load the page when creating a new Job Opening.

COCKPIT  Key Properties

✔Newly created Requisition Closing Reason cannot be saved if the same name is already used as a Requisition Discarding Reason, and vice versa.

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