August 2023


Here at Raiser, we have been working hard to bring you even more value through the platform and introduce you to the upcoming huge changes: the RaiserHub and Marketplace.  

Furthermore, we have implemented improvements and updates to enhance the localization functionality and notifications section within the Cockpit module.

Currently Working On Bringing to Your Attention the Following New Features

  • MARKETPLACE  You can easily access this feature from the main menu ribbon, conveniently located next to the Cockpit gear icon. The Marketplace section comprises two subsections: Integration and Plugins. The Integrations subsection now showcases a comprehensive list of all third-party services available in Raiser. Additionally, within the Marketplace, you'll find the Plugins section, where the highly anticipated RaiserHub feature is prominently featured

  • RAISERHUB  From now on all Raiser account holders that have administrative roles will be able to see the brand new RaiserHub, meanwhile, the Integration part will require to activate the needed integrations. When accessing the Plugins subsection (Marketplace→Plugins) the RaiserHub Card will be displayed, providing a concise overview of the feature. It includes a brief description and a View link directing users to the dedicated RaiserHub view page. Additionally, the card indicates the current status of the feature for the corresponding tenant company. The RaiserHub view page presents comprehensive General information about the Hub and provides a dedicated settings section for easy configuration of RaiserHub according to your preferences.

Other Enhancements


  • Enhancements to Localization Functionality - This release brings enhanced localization features to the Key Properties Projects section, allowing for the localization of project types, project tags, and project clients
  • Updates to the Email Notifications and System/Push Notifications - We have introduced a new notification template called Employee(s) Certificates Expiration for the Staff section in Email Notifications as well as the System/Push Notifications areas within the Templates section of Cockpit

Bug Fixes

HIRE → Candidates

  • Changes made in the Work Experience section of the candidate profile aren't being saved.

HIRE → Google Calendar Meetings

  • The system doesn't generate a consistent meeting link for both Candidates and Associates, but currently, it generates distinct meeting links, preventing them from convening in a single Google meeting.
  • Within the Add Meeting pop-up, in the HTML editor part, the system alters the text formatting once the Meeting's Date and Time icon is selected, it displays the plain text rather than the original formatting.
  • The system doesn't add a Microsoft Teams Meeting link with details in the Associate Text section (upon sending), displayed below the main <Text> and <Signature>.

TAKE TIME → Time Off Request

  • In the case of a Sequential Time Off approval type, the second approver must not receive notifications or have the ability to respond until the first approver has given their approval.

COCKPIT→ Templates

  • Email and System/Push notifications →The Employee Contract Expiration Email and System/Push notifications are currently displaying an incorrect variable, {employeename} variable should be updated to {employeefullName}.


  • When attempting to access the Raiser mobile app, users are automatically logged out.
  • When attempting to log in to the Raiser Mobile app, the system displays an Invalid username/password message, even though the same username/password is valid when used in the Raiser web platform.

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